I have been delivering Body Awareness Education to organisations and individuals for over 15 years and consider it to be an essential foundation for personal health and safety and therefore work health and safety.
Body Awareness Education is the bedrock that enables us to stay present, aware and connected with ourselves to make informed choices that come from supporting our body and respecting ourselves.
Our body is the ultimate inner guide and internal compass that is very practical and wired for sound common sense choices.
Body awareness & self awareness
As children we are much more in tune with the simplicity of our body and can innately sense what feels safe and what doesn’t, including people. Over time as adults we begin to dismiss, negate, override and even numb the messages and communication that comes from our body. We choose instead to live from the mind as opposed to the natural lead and trust from our body. This in turn dulls down a level of sensitivity in self-awareness, and environmental awareness on many levels that ultimately impacts upon one’s personal health and therefore safety.
If we look at the word safety in this context we are simply referring to the safety that comes from being aware and taking care of our body. When we hurt our body it can indicate that we are not aware of ourselves or that we were not consciously present. Being body aware enables a greater sense of self-awareness on an inner connected level and also on a physical level. This natural state of being allows us to have an acute radar and discernment from our body’s signals for what is supportive and safe and what is not.
Reconnecting to our body’s messages and honouring these messages is all part of maintaining our health and well-being and offers a foundation for health and safety in the workplace.
This can range from discerning our own personal choices to environmental impacts and the impact of others upon our health, well-being and safety. Body Awareness Education is fundamental within Workplace Health & Safety, regardless of what profession or industry you are in. However, the full significance and importance of a basic connection and understanding of one’s own body is not at the forefront of preventative health and safety or embedded into the safety culture within the workplace…as yet.
As someone who works in corporate and delivers workshops, programs and retreats to an array of organisations and individuals I have been witness to the fact that body awareness is a universal language and innate within us all. More often than not it is simply reigniting this known language and sixth sense to move, work and live from a place of inner connection to ourselves and everything around us.
Living Medicine offers a self-paced 4 week Restore – Body Awareness program. This program offers support to develop a relationship with your body through 15 minute laying down sessions to improve your awareness and connection to the body.
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