True leaders amongst change offer a steady anchor point, consistency and distinctive quality that counters organisational complexity. They hold steady within themselves and do not get caught in the reactive pace, drama or noise.
In today’s world we are experiencing change on many levels, from the workplace, in community, globally and personally. There is only one path that makes sense – and that is the path inwards. This means, it’s all about re-establishing an inner equanimity and steadiness from within. The consistent and steady quality of how we show up at work, at home and in community is needed more than ever. How we show up for ourselves will equate to how we show up for others.
Qualities of true leaders
We require true leaders – and I am not specifically referring to ‘leaders’ in the hierarchical organisational sense of the word, but those who hold steady from an inner equilibrium.
They lead by presence, quality, integrity, accountability and from a foundation of love.
These new wave of leaders are you, I and anyone who is willing to bring their focus inwards, to build a steady center of knowing themselves from the inside out. They are true leaders who
- do not get caught up or identified with their role or what they ‘do’.
- hold space and a steady presence to stabilise unwieldy situations and ambiguity.
- provide an anchor point for people to feel valued, safe and supported.
- live self care and express that care to others
Cultivating the true leader within
We are all here to equally lead and to play our part. However the quality of how we lead needs to come from within. Following are nine simple tools to cultivate the true leader within.
Breathe your own breath
This is a 101 basic, but how often do you take your breath for granted? If we are not breathing our own breath we are often at the mercy of the pace and drama of what surrounds us. Take moments to tune into a quality of gentleness with your breath and to use this as a tool to reconnect.
Know yourself from the inside out
Take moments away from the stimulation, noise and the distractions of life to get to know yourself from your inner connection and stillness. Without knowing who you are from this quality is like moving through life without a rudder or compass to navigate life from.
Establish this as your known quality and point of stability
As you get to know yourself and refamiliarise with this quality of stillness, you have a point of reference to come back to if you find you lose yourself during the day. Be open to the continual deepening of this quality and point of stability to know yourself from.
Move through life with conscious presence
And no I am not talking about mindfulness! I am referring to whole body mindedness I am talking about the mind being in alignment to the body and being consciously present with the body and whatever is taking place on a momentary basis.
Learn to observe life vs absorbing life
The art of observation is a continual process that offers understanding, removes judgement, labelling of right or wrong and allows life to be seen at a much greater depth. It also allows you to not ‘take on’ what is taking place around you or to get caught in the slip streams of daily life dramas which are merely distractions to take you away from your center
Avoid identifying with what you ‘do’ or your ‘role’
We are so much more than our ‘role’, our qualifications, skills and abilities. What we do in our job is simply an expression of who we are – it does not define us! I have seen this many times before and particularly with leaders when their identity is caught up in ‘what they do’ as opposed to who they are at their essence.
Cultivate responsiveness over reaction
Being responsive to life and all that is unfolding is to live life from your center and to embrace all that is offered to you as constant growth and evolution. Reacting to life, situations, experiences and people offers opportunity to heal, learn and bring understanding to within yourself and your world around you.
Get to know your ‘awesome’
Know your awesome from the essence of who you are not what you do. Begin to recognise this awesome is equally the same in everyone else. Bring emphasis to supporting and validating your awesome to be seen and to support others in not holding back their awesome.
Appreciate the opportunity every day to learn, heal, grow and be enriched by learning more about you, people and the magic of life as a forever student.
Living Medicine builds change capability and productivity through employee wellness and offers Wellness Advisory, Wellness Coaching, Wellness Programs and Wellness events to cultivate the true leader within.
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